Pauline Grondin is “multiheretorial”, a professional storyteller, heritage performer, historical interpreter and musician who has been telling stories and making music all of her life to listeners from the age of 2 to 102.

Pauline was given the honour of having her name included on the Ireland Canada Monument in Vancouver, B.C. “The monument honours Irish Canadians for their immense contribution to Canada.”…”each name has been chosen on that person’s contribution to their fellow Canadians, on their commitment to do something good to build a better community locally or globally within Canada.” Pauline’s music and stories, especially those telling of Canadian history, have been recognized as her contribution. 

Pauline is also the recipient of the Halton Heritage Award, the Burlington Junction Appreciation Award and the Hamilton-Wentworth Heritage Award.

Pauline is a tenth generation French Canadian with an Irish citizenship.  Following her dual roots, her storytelling has delighted audiences of all ages in Canada, Northern Ireland, Scotland and England.




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