Pauline Grondin is an accomplished
musician who has performed across Ontario, especially at
heritage venues requiring music of early Canada and the
British Isles.
Pauline plays numerous instruments accompanied by song.
She usually appears with chorded zither, mountain
dulcimer, banjammer and Psaltery and guitar. Audiences
cheerfully sing along whilst tapping toes and clapping
hands. Pauline performs in period clothing of different
time periods as required.
Pauline is a professional storyteller who just happens
to play a few instruments and sing, a great combination
of talents. Her music and stories have been recorded for
Route 1812, a driving route linking historical sites and
cultural institutions in the Southwest, Toronto and
Niagara regions
Pauline was given the honour of having her name included
on the Ireland Canada Monument to be unveiled in
Vancouver, B.C. in March 2014. “The monument honours
Irish Canadians for their immense contribution to
Canada.”…”each name has been chosen on that person’s
contribution to their fellow Canadians, on their
commitment to do something good to build a better
community locally or globally within Canada.”
Pauline’s music and stories, especially those telling of
Canadian history, have been recognized as her
contribution to Canada’s heritage.